Lessons from Westley: Embracing a New Approach to Horsemanship…

Lessons from Westley: Embracing a New Approach to Horsemanship…

When I stopped focusing on results, I discovered what truly matters in my partnership with Westley.

Early on in my journey with my heart horse, Westley, my goal was competition success. But after many setbacks, I learned that each horse has unique needs and limitations- especially my sensitive chestnut thoroughbred.   Through bodywork, I connected with Westley in a way I never had before, creating a bond that didn’t rely on ribbons or placings.  

I’ve learned that horsemanship isn’t about pushing a horse to meet our goals, but about listening and supporting them to feel their best.  Westley taught me that true success comes from partnership and understanding, not competition wins.  

That’s why my work today is focused on helping horses feel their best—and teaching owners to do the same.  

What’s one lesson you’ve learned from your horse?


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